TMJ Dysfunction

TMJ Dysfunction Symptoms

If you’re experiencing jaw pain, you may have a temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction. The temporomandibular joints are located on both sides of your face, just below your ears. The TMJs are the areas where your jaw bone, or mandible, joins the main part of your skull. These joints chiefly have a hinge motion, allowing you to chew and speak. Additionally, your TMJs permit some sliding movement so that you can shift your jaw side-to-side.

Like all joints, the TMJs are covered in cartilage – a soft tissue that provides cushioning. You may develop TMJ dysfunction if this cartilage begins to wear away for any reason, you suffer trauma to your jaw, or the joints shift out of position.

The symptoms of this disorder include:

  • Aching below and around your ears
  • Difficulty opening and/or closing your mouth, such as when chewing
  • Jaw tenderness

Diagnosing TMJ Problems

At North Penn Dental Care, Dr. Govani is fully qualified to diagnose and treat temporomandibular joint issues. A proper diagnosis first requires an exam to discover the exact nature of your issue. Dental x-rays may also be taken to determine the cause of your TMJ pain.

Once the reason for your TMJ discomfort is found, Dr. Govani can offer several non-surgical solutions to relieve your TMJ pain.

TMJ Relief

Fortunately, many cases of TMJ dysfunction do not require surgery. Patients can receive nonsurgical correction of their TMJ problems from Dr. Govani via techniques like temporary mouth guards, therapy and exercises, and activity modification.

If you’re located in Colmar, PA or the surrounding area and you’re having jaw pain or problems moving your mouth, don’t put off seeking treatment. TMJ dysfunction is unlikely to get better on its own, and the problem can easily worsen. Contact North Penn Dental Care (215) 822-9600 right away!

Call us at (215) 822-9600 to schedule today!